Japanese Army Pilot Badges with reverse inscription "Army Military Aircraft Piloting Mastery Badge/陸軍軍用機操縦術修得徽章"

Manufacturer (as well as time of production) is unknown. Most likely quality post war replicas.

Size 54×37 mm.


陸軍軍用機操縦術修得徽章 ..jpg

All such badges have same inscription at reverse

陸軍軍用機 - Army Military Aircraft

操縦術修得徽章 - Piloting Mastery Badge

Japanese Army Pilot Badge  made by Nakano Shoten.jpg

Japanese  Army Pilot Badge  made by Nakano Shoten.jpg

Japanese Army Pilot Badge   made by Nakano Shoten.jpg

Japanese  Army Pilot Badge  made  by Nakano Shoten.jpg
Another example. Pin is lost.

Army Military Aircraft Piloting Mastery Badge.jpg
  • Tags
    imperial japanese army badge japanese army pilot badge 陸軍軍用機操縦術修得徽章
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