Japanese Army and Navy Officers' Wives Association Meritorious Service Badge/陸海軍将校婦人会有功章

Unlike 4th class badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/jap...on-4th-class-meritorious-service-badge.27720/ this meritorious badge has a ribbon with rosette but since the original case is missing the actual class of this badge remains unknown.

Japanese  Army and Navy Officers' Wives Association  Meritorious Service Badge.jpg
Japanese Army and Navy Officers' Wives Association  Meritorious Service Badge.jpg
Japanese Army and Navy Officers' Wives Association  Meritorious  Service Badge.jpg


有功章 - Meritorious Service Badge

将校婦人會 - Officers' Wives Association

Marked 銀純 - pure silver.
  • Tags
    army and navy officers' wives' association badge japanese army and navy officers' wives association 将校婦人会有功章 将校婦人会章 有功章 陸海軍将校婦人会有功章
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