Insignia and Ranks of the Foresters' Corps and Forestry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property of the Russian Empire

The Foresters' Corps /Корпус лесничих/ was a special corps in the Land Forces of the Russian Empire, and from 1869, part of the Forests Department of the Ministry of State Property.

The Foresters' Corps was officially created on 30 January 1839. During its formation, it received a military function. It consisted of two parts, the military part being subject to the Imperial Russian Army, and the civilian part being under the Ministry of Finance's Forests Department.

The commander of the corps (who had the rank of General) was called the Inspector of the Foresters' Corps. Under his control were governoral forest administrations and forest battle-schools. The head of the governorate forest administration was the Governoral Forester (with a rank from Major to Colonel). He was equal in rights and rank to an Army infantry Regiment Commander. Regional Foresters and the Governorate Guard fell under their jurisdiction. The District Forester (rank from Staff Captain to Major), under whose jurisdiction fell the Forest Guard of the Okrug (District), had rights equal to a Battalion Commander. Some governorates were not divided into Forest Districts (Okrugs), and the Forest Guard were commanded directly by the Governoral Forester.

Because the Foresters' Corps was considered part of the military, members of all ranks carried regular firearms. Foresters' Corps members continued to carry standard-issued weapons after 1869, when the Corps was officially transferred from the Imperial Army to the Ministry of State Property, thus becoming a "Militarized division"​

Class and rank insignia before November 16, 1904.

From leaft to right.

Коллежский регистратор/Губернский секретарь/Коллежский секретарь/Титулярный советник
Collegiate registrar/District secretary/Collegiate secretary/Titular councillor
Kollezhsky registrator/Gubernsky sekretar/Kollezhsky sekretar/Tituljarny sovetnik


Коллежский асессор/Надворный советник/Коллежский советник
Collegiate assessor/Court councillor/Collegiate Councillor
Kollezhsky assessor/Nadvorny sovetnik/Kollezhsky sovetnik


Статский советник/Действительный статский советник
State Councillor/Active State Councillor
Statsky sovetnik/Deystvitelny statsky sovetnik

Class and rank insignia after November 16, 1904.

Коллежский регистратор/Губернский секретарь/Коллежский секретарь/Титулярный советник (лесничий - окружной лесничий)
Collegiate registrar/District secretary/Collegiate secretary/Titular councillor (forester - district forester)
Kollezhsky registrator/Gubernsky sekretar/Kollezhsky sekretar/Tituljarny sovetnik


Коллежский асессор (окружной лесничий - губернский лесничий)/Надворный советник (губернский лесничий)/Коллежский советник
Collegiate assessor (district forester - provincial forester)/Court councillor (provincial forester)/Collegiate Councillor
Kollezhsky assessor/Nadvorny sovetnik/Kollezhsky sovetnik


Статский советник (вице-директор)/Действительный статский советник (директор лесного департамента)
State Councillor (vice-director)/Active State Councillor (director of the forestry department)
Statsky sovetnik/Deystvitelny statsky sovetnik

Insignia after November 16, 1904.

Uniform before 1904.

before 1904.jpg

Uniform after 1904.

after 1904.gif
Cavalier of the Order of St. Vladimir 4th class active state councilor Nikolay Prokhorovich Lebedev.

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    foresters' corps and forestry department russian imperial civil servants insignia and ranks знаки различия императорской россии знаки различия корпуса лесничих
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