Inkstands with Army Helmet and Gunto

Inkstand with Army  Helmet and Gunto.jpg
Inkstand with  Army Helmet and Gunto.jpg

Inkstand  with Army Helmet and Gunto.jpg
Inkstand with Army Helmet  and Gunto.jpg
Inkstand  with Army Helmet and Gunto.jpg

Inkstand with Army Helmet  and Gunto.jpg

贈栗原殿 - Gift to Mr. Kurihara

Inkstand with Army Helmet and Gunto.jpg

近輜 - most likely - imperial guards 重兵 - transportation corps

後備 - Reserve

山口 - Yamaguchi

Inkstand with Army Helmet  and Gunto.jpg
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    inkstand with army helmet and gunto japanese army inkstand japanese inkstand
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