Group of two documents that were issued to Watanabe Taniji /渡辺谷治/ replenishment military service army infantry private /補充兵役陸軍步兵/.
Replenishment military service is a type of military service to make up for vacancies in active service. This type of military service can be found in the military service systems of several East Asian countries. In Japan before 1945, there was a provision related to Replenishment soldiers (補充兵, hoju hei) in the conscription office ordinance (徵兵事務條例, Chōhei jimu jōrei) enacted in 1879. This provision consisted of Articles 125 to 130.
First Certificate of Commendation /表彰狀/ was issued on July 14, 1935 to replenishment military service army infantry private /補充兵役陸軍步兵/ Watanabe Taniji /渡邊谷治/. Certificate signed by the Head of Nyu District Branch of Association, Army Artillery Second Lieutenant Mitani Koshio /陸軍砲兵少尉三谷甲子生/.
Second certificate of commendation /賞狀/ was issued on July 7, 1939 to 1st class replenishment military service army infantry private /第一補充兵役陸軍步兵/ Watanabe Taniji /渡邊谷治/. Certificate signed by the Head of Fukui Branch of Association, Army Infantry Colonel Takeyuki Taki /福井支部長陸軍步兵大佐滝武之/.