Imperial Military Reservist Association Badges Order of Wearing

In the beginning rules were simple.
The regular member badge should be worn above the right breast pocket flap.
Chapters chairman badges (i.e. badges with green-white rosette) should be worn to the left side of the regular member badge.
Honorary member badge (i.e. badges with red-white rosette) should be worn in place and instead of ordinary member badge.


They even printed them on the cases


or put inside as leaflets.

After 1929 things became even easier.
All badges with rosettes (i.e. chapter chairman badges, honorary member badges, councilor badges, etc) were worn in place (and instead) of regular member badge.

"Simpler times" last until 1936.

All these martial arts skill badges and meritorious service badge + new metal enameled oval badges (that relaced badges with rosettes) made a real mess.

Type 1936 and type 1942 oval enameled badges (honorary members, leaders and vice-leaders, etc) were relocated under the membership badge.

Martial arts skill badges wore on the left chest between third and forth buttons.
From rigth to left: bayonet skill badge, swordsmanship badge, marksmanship badge.

Merit badges wore on the right side of the chest (together with oval enameled badges under the chest pocket).
From left to right: merit badge, meritorious service badge, oval enameled badge.

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    imperial military reservist association badges order of wearing rules of wearing
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