Imperial Association of Literature and Martial Arts/帝国文武学会章

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Imperial Association of Literature and Martial Arts.jpg


帝国文武学会 - Imperial Association/Institute/Academy of Literature and Martial Arts
Association was active in publishing Naval educational materials.

海軍志願兵受験合格の鍵 - The key to passing the Navy Enlistment Exam that was published by Association in 1938.

The key to passing the Navy Volunteer Exam 1938.jpg
〈内容見本〉 海軍志願兵受験合格の鍵.jpg
Successful Naval Volunteer Exam, 1937.

昭和12年海軍志願兵 受験合格の栞.jpg

Naval Arithmetic Textbook, 1940.

誘導式 海軍算術教科書 模範詳解(第3・4巻合本) 1940.jpg
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    imperial association of literature and martial art imperial institute of literature and martial arts imperial japan naval badge imperial japan navy badge 帝国文武学会章
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