How to Read Numbers in Japanese Documents

The first step will be to become familiar with the count to ten.

1 一

2 二

3 三

4 四

5 五

6 六

7 七

8 八

9 九

10 十

Then you gonna need these three kanji

百 = 100

千 = 1000

万 = 10000

A useful table since sometimes you gonna meet an old style numericals.


Now we can combine them and get 600

800 八百

3000 三千

8000 八千

Now let's make things a little more complicated

43 076 = 四七十六 , where

四万 = 40 000
三千 = 3000
七十 = 70
六 = 6

On a real document, the serial number will be located vertically

Now let's try it on a real document.

47 542.jpg

We observe from top to bottom

四万 = 40 000
七千 = 7000
五百 = 500
四十二 = 42

Our document number is 47 542.
Sometimes the number on the document can go over 999,999. No problem. We can easily get a million by combining the kanjis we already know

1 000 000 = 百万

That is, we simply take and combine (= 100) and (= 1000), then 100 times 10,000 = 1,000,000

When there are several millions, then additional number appears before 百万.

For example,

2,000,000 = 二百万, that is, 200 times 10,000.

And if we have a million with some change, then additional number appears between and .

For example,

1,020,000 = 百二万
Let's try to read the millionth number on an actual document.

1 063 230.jpg



百六万 = 1 060 000

千三 = 3000

二百 = 200

三十 = 30

Our document number 1 063 230.
The number in the document can be easily found by the column of numbers preceded by the kanji

第 = №

In writing it looks like this
