Greater Japan Imperial Rule Assistance Association Armbands/大政翼賛會腕章

Greater Japan Imperial  Rule Assistance Association Armband.jpg

帝都大森區 - Ōmori Ward, Imperial City (i.e. Tokyo)

翼賛壮年團 - Imperial Rule Assistance Young Adults' Corps

第二十七分團 - 27th Branch

副班長- Deputy Branch Leader

Greater Japan Imperial Rule Assistance Association Armband.jpg

Greater Japan Imperial Rule  Assistance Association Armband.jpg

Greater Japan Imperial Rule Assistance Association  Armband.jpg

京橋區 - Kyobashi Ward (Tokyo)

翼賛壮年團 - Imperial Rule Assistance Young Adults' Corps

第五分團 - 5th Branch

大政翼賛會腕章 ..jpg

翼賛壮年団章  福岡市翼賛壮年団春吉分団.jpg

福岡市翼賛壮年團 - Fukuoka City Imperial Rule Assistance Young Adults' Corps

春吉分團 - Haruyoshi Branch

翼賛壮年団章 福岡市翼賛壮年団春吉分団.jpg

翼賛政治體制協議會 - Imperial Rule Assistance Political Association Council.


翼協 for 賛政治體制議會.

翼賛政治體制協議会」実物腕章 ..jpg

Together with official appointment certificate issued to

君橋重政 - Kimibashi Shigemasa


昭和十六年五月十三日 - May 13, 1941.

翼賛政治體制協議会 実物腕章.jpg
Another example of this armband.

翼賛政治體制協議會 - Imperial Rule Assistance Political Association Council.jpg
翼賛壮年團石巻市 腕章.jpg

石巻市 - Ishinomaki (city located in Miyagi Prefecture)

翼賛壮年團 - Imperial Rule Assistance Young Adults' Corps

翼賛壮年團 石巻市 腕章.jpg

翼賛壮年團 石巻市腕章.jpg
  • Tags
    greater japan imperial rule assistance association imperial rule assistance association armband imperial rule assistance political association japanese armband 京橋区翼賛壮年団第五分団 会腕章 大政翼賛会腕章 大政翼賛會腕章 帝都大森区翼賛壮年第二十七分團副班長 翼賛壮年團石巻市腕章 翼賛壮年團腕章 翼賛政治體制協議会実物腕章 翼賛政治體制協議会腕章 翼賛政治體制協議會
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