French Permissions to Accept and Wear Order of the Medjidie

Permission to accept and wear a 5th class order of the Order of the Medjidie issued on November 15, 1856 to a Squadron Leader Charles-Adolphe Silly commander of the Gendarmerie Squadron of the Imperial Guard.

French Permission to Accept and Wear Order of the Medjidie.jpg

French Permission to Accept and Wear Order of the  Medjidie.jpg

French Permission to Accept  and Wear Order of the Medjidie.jpg
Rare full set of document for the 4th class Order of the Medjidie awarded to Doctor of the Hospital La Riboissière Ambroise Auguste Tardieu. Permission to accept and wear was issued on March 17, 1856.

Rare  full set of document for the 4th class Order of the Medjidie.jpg

With the firman of appointment decorated with the tughra of the Sultan painted in gold.

Rare full set of document for the 4th class  Order  of the Medjidie.jpg

Letter of authorization to wear.

Rare full set of document  for the 4th class Order of the Medjidie.jpg

Patent of authorization of the Grand Chancellery.

Rare full set of  document for the 4th class Order of the Medjidie.jpg
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    french permission to accept and wear award mecidiye nişanı order of the medjidie order of the medjidie document order of the medjidie firman turkish order of the medjidie نشانِ مجیدیه
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