Fake 1937 China Incident Commemorative Table Medals

Originals https://asiamedals.info/threads/set-of-two-1937-china-incident-commemorative-medals.24492/

Much better quality fake.

s-l1600.jpgs-l1600 (2).jpg

s-l1600 (4).jpgs-l1600 (3).jpg
They even make cases for these treasures.

Fake China Incident  Commemorative Medal.jpg

Fake China  Incident  Commemorative Medal.jpg

Fake China Incident  Commemorative  Medal.jpg
Another brilliant marketing strategy.

Fake 1937 China Incident Commemorative  Table Medal.jpg

Fake  1937 China Incident Commemorative Table Medal.jpg

Fake medal of "new stamp".

Fake 1937 China Incident Commemorative Table Medal.jpg

Fake 1937  China Incident Commemorative Table Medal.jpg
  • Tags
    china incident commemorative medal fake fake 1937 china incident commemorative table medal fake japanese award fake japanese table medal fakes of 1937 china incident commemorative medal
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