Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded in 1990

In toto 919 Blue Ribbon medals of honor were awarded in 1990.

Awarded on November 3, 1990.

Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded in 1990.jpg

Blue Ribbon  Medal of Honor awarded in 1990.jpg

Reverse engraved

赤津敏 - Akatsu Satoshi

Reverse of the ribbon bar marked with "LB".

Original document No. 29 465.

According to the document Akatsu Satoshi "has worked as a dentist for many years and contributed to the improvement of health and hygiene as an officer of the Dental Association. His achievements have been truly beneficial to the public and he was awarded the Blue Medal in accordance with the Commendation Ordinance for his good deeds."​

Seven years later he will be awarded 5th class Rising Sun order

Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded  in 1990.jpg
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    blue ribbon medal of honor blue ribbon medal of honor awarded in 1990 japanese medal of honor japanese medal of honour japanese medals and awards 藍綬褒章
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