"Russian anti-communist emigration in Northern China has its own badge-order "Revival of Asia". According to the Statute of the Order it is intended to reward Russian anti-communist emigrants for the merits and active work in the field of anti-communism. The statute also allows awarding of "foreign friends of the Russian emigration".
The badge of the Order of the “Revival of Asia” is an oval in the middle of which on a dark golden enameled background a White Sword is depicted, pierced by a red star symbolizing communism and bordered by the inscription “Revival of Asia”. The badge-order has three classes, the difference in these classesis determined by the color of the border surrounding the badge:
1st class- black
2nd class - blue
3rd class - green.
The badge-order is worn on a ribbon in the colors of the Russian national flag...”.
“According to the Statute, the Badge-Order is worn on the left side of the chest with other military orders and is required to be worn on all solemn occasions and in public places, during all official visits, receptions and celebrations.
To date 8 persons were awarded with the badge-order "Revival of Asia" of 1st class, 40 of the 2nd class and over 200 of the 3rd class ..."
The badge of the Order of the “Revival of Asia” is an oval in the middle of which on a dark golden enameled background a White Sword is depicted, pierced by a red star symbolizing communism and bordered by the inscription “Revival of Asia”. The badge-order has three classes, the difference in these classesis determined by the color of the border surrounding the badge:
1st class- black
2nd class - blue
3rd class - green.
The badge-order is worn on a ribbon in the colors of the Russian national flag...”.
“According to the Statute, the Badge-Order is worn on the left side of the chest with other military orders and is required to be worn on all solemn occasions and in public places, during all official visits, receptions and celebrations.
To date 8 persons were awarded with the badge-order "Revival of Asia" of 1st class, 40 of the 2nd class and over 200 of the 3rd class ..."
Collection of articles “Russian anti-communism in North China, 1937-1942" published 1943
"... Aнтикоммунистическая российская эмиграция в Северном Китае имеет свой знак-орден «Возрождение Азии». Согласно Статуту Ордена, он предназначен для награждения российских эмигрантов-антикоммунистов за заслуги и активную работу на антикоммунистическом поприще.
Знак орден «Возрождение Азии» представляет из себя овал, в середине которого, на темно-золотистом фоне эмали, изображен Белый меч, пронзивший красную звезду, символизирующую коммунизм, и окаймленный надписью «Возрождение Азии». Знак-орден имеет три степени, разница в этих степенях определяется цветом окружающей знак каймы: 1-й степени - черной, 2-й степени - синей и 3-й степени - зеленой. Знак-орден носится на ленте цветов русского национального флага...
Согласно Статуту Знак-орден носится на левой стороне груди, где военные ордена, и обязателен для ношения во всех торжественных случаях и в общественных местах, при всех официальных посещениях и приемах и торжествах.
К настоящему времени Знак-орден «Возрождение Азии» первой степени имеют восемь человек, второй степени — 40 и третьей — свыше 200..."
Cборник статей «Российский антикоммунизм в Северном Китае, 1937-1942"
Awardings were made by the order of the Central Anti-Communist Committee (CAC) at the request of the regional anti-communist committees, as a rule, twice a year - for the New Year holiday and during the annual reviews of Russian emigration.
2nd class badge No. 207