Badge of the 17th Chernigov Hussar Regiment/Знак 17-го гусарского Черниговского Е.И.В. Великого Князя Михаила Александровича полка

Badge of the 17th Hussar Chernihiv of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich regiment was approved by Highest Order on May 2, 1912. A badge in the form of the pommel of the regimental St. George banner with the regiment's motto "Five Against Thirty". In the middle of the badge is the cross of the Order of St. George, framed by laurel branches. In the lower part there is a St. George ribbon in the form of a bow, to which the coat of arms of the city of Chernigov is attached - a black eagle on a white field.​

Silver, gilding, enamel.
Size 52.5 × 27.3 mm.
Weight 19.29 g.
Marked with maker's mark "AT" for A.E. Tieleman /Alfred Thielemann/Альфред Тилеманн/ and St. Petersburg assay office silver hallmark [oval shield: alpha, female head in a kokoshnik, to the right, 88].
Engraved on reverse with "No 71".

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Badge of the 17th Chernigov  Hussar Regiment.jpg


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Badge of the 17th Chernigov Hussar  Regiment.jpg


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Badge  of the 17th Chernigov Hussar Regiment.jpg
Another example.

Badge  of the 17th Chernigov Hussar Regiment.jpg

Badge  of the 17th Chernigov Hussar  Regiment.jpg


Badge  of the 17th Chernigov  Hussar Regiment.jpg

Badge of  the 17th Chernigov Hussar Regiment.jpg


Badge  of the  17th  Chernigov Hussar Regiment.jpg

Badge  of the 17th Chernigov Hussar   Regiment.jpg
  • Tags
    alfred thielemann badge of the 17th chernigov hussar regiment fabergé workshop imperial russian badge imperial russian badge made by faberge russian imperial badges made by fabergé альфред тилеман альфред тилеманн е.и.в. великого князя михаила александровича полк знак 17-го гусарского черниговского полка знаки изготовленные фаберже знаки фаберже нагрудные знаки императорской россии нагрудный знак изготовленный фирмой фаберже полковой знак императорской россии фирма фаберже
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