Badge for the 7th anniversary of the VChK-GPU of Crimean SSR/Наградой знак Крымского ЦИК в честь 7-й годовщины органов ВЧК-ОГПУ

In 1924 the Crimean Central Executive Committee /ЦИК Крымской ССР/ established a badge for the 7th anniversary of the VChK-GPU /ВЧК-ГПУ/. Badges were manufactured in silver by Higher artistic and technical workshops (VKhTM) /Высшими художественно-техническими мастерскими (ВХТМ)/.

Specimen from the collection of State Historical Museum.
Silver, gilding, enamel.
Size 58х25 mm.

Inside the banner "Proletarians/Workers of all countries unite".

Badge for the 7th anniversary of the VChK-GPU of Crimean SSR.jpg

Badge for the  7th anniversary of the VChK-GPU of Crimean SSR.jpg
Another example of this very rare badge.

Badge for the 7th anniversary of the  VChK-GPU of Crimean SSR.jpg

Badge for the 7th anniversary of the VChK-GPU  of Crimean SSR.jpg

Original plate and screw.

Badge for the 7th anniversary of the VChK-GPU of  Crimean SSR.jpg

Badge for the 7th anniversary of  the VChK-GPU of Crimean SSR.jpg

Marked "ВХТМ/VKhTM".

Badge for the 7th anniversary of the VChK-GPU  of  Crimean SSR.jpg
Note that Budyonovka has unusual green star. According by the GPU order No. 119 from June 27, 1922 г. /Приказ ГПУ № 119 от 27 июня 1922 года/ GPU troops wore Budyonovka with a dark green star: "dark blue winter cloth helmet with a dark green sewed star"/"зимний суконный шлем тёмно-синего цвета с тёмно-зелёной нашивной звездой".
Badge for the 7th anniversary of the  VChK-GPU of Crimean SSR.jpg