Alexander II's order of Saint Andrew breast star from the collection of Tsarskoe Selo State Museum

Until 1941, breast star was exhibited on the dolman of General of the Life Guards Grodno Hussar Regiment in the Antechamber of Emperor Alexander II in the Zubovsky Wing of the Catherine Palace Museum. The dolman was presented as a gift to her husband by Empress Maria Alexandrovna on April 17, 1877.​

Silver, gold, enamel.
Size 70 × 70 mm.
Weight 39.8 g.


Звезда ордена Св. апостола Андрея Первозванного.jpg
Звезда ордена Св. апостола Андрея  Первозванного.jpg
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    alexander ii's order of saint andrew breast star order of saint andrew breast star звезда ордена святого андрея первозванного награды императорской россии орден святого андрея первозванного ордена императорской россии
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