5th class Rising Sun order awarded in 1910 to Captain of the Prussian Army von Dzierakowski

5th class Rising  Sun order awarded in 1910.jpg
5th class Rising Sun order  awarded in 1910.jpg

Awarded on March 8, 1910 to the Prussian Army Captain von Jīrakousukī /普魯西國陸軍大尉 フオン ジーラコウスキー/.

Rising Sun order No. 4004 awarded to a foreigner.

5th class Rising Sun order awarded in 1910.jpg
Japanese engineer captain Sugihara Miyotaro (1880 - 1975, later he would rose to the rank of lieutenant general) was undergoing training in the Pommersches Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 2 in Germany. In 1910 the battalion commander received the 4th Rising Sun order and von Dzierakowski /as a company commander in the same battalion/ received the 5th class order.

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    5th class rising sun awarded to prussian captain 5th class rising sun order awarded in 1910 5th class rising sun order awarded to a foreigner 5th class rising sun order of meiji era kyokujitsu-shō meiji era rising sun order order of the rising sun 勲五等双光旭日章 普魯西國陸軍大尉 フオン ジーラコウスキー
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