4th class St.George order (and other awards) of Boris Sergievsky

Awarded on November 20, 1915 to Boris Vasilievich Sergievsky for the actions in the battle on December 14, 1914 near the village of Sedliska.

"In a battle on December 14, 1914, near the village of Sedliska, at the head of his company, he rushed to attack the enemy who had captured the height, knock him down and took possession of the height, while capturing machine gun in working contion and 350 lower ranks prisoners/В бою 14 декабря 1914 года у села Седлиска, во главе своей роты бросился в атаку на противника, захватившего высоту, сбил его и завладел высотой, захватив при этом действующий пулемёт и 350 нижних чинов пленными".


Made by Eduard in gold https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...h-class-in-gold-made-by-eduard-workshop.22816

Boris Sergievsky was one of the most colourful of the early aviators. He made his first flight less than ten years after the Wright brothers made theirs; he made his last only four years before the first Concorde took off.
Born in Russia in 1888, Boris Sergievsky learned to fly in 1912. His life of high adventure began when he fought as a Russian infantry officer, winning the Imperial Russia's highest honour for leading his infantrymen in a charge that captured a fortified enemy hilltop. He then took to the air to become a fighter pilot and combat ace against Austria-Hungary during WWI, and again, after the Bolshevik revolution, he fought in the White Army.
In 1923, he emigrated to the USA, but the first job he could find in New York was with a pick and shovel, digging the Holland Tunnel, but he soon joined Igor Sikorsky's airplane company. He became chief test pilot for the Sikorsky flying boats that Pan American Airways used worldwide, setting seventeen world aviation records along the way. Over the next ten years, Pan American Airways established routes across Latin America and the Pacific, using Sikorsky flying boats. Sergievsky tested them all and flew many of the inaugural flights.
He made pioneering flights across vast stretches of Latin America, carrying everything from mining machinery to boa constrictors. He flew Osa and Martin Johnson(famous for films in the 1930’s) across uncharted African jungles, survived a tidal wave that smashed his flying boat in mid-ocean, and escaped a blazing crash when his airplane caught fire in midair.
After 1941 he was recruited by the OSS, and eventually found himself testing captured German jet aircraft. He continued flying until 1965, when he lost his medical certificate at age 77.
There must be few men who had in one lifetime led his men in a charge and fought the enemy with a saber, flown a Nieuport, sung the principal tenor role in a performance of Rigoletto, heaved a shovel in New York, worked for the National Biscuit Corporation, became a connoisseur of fine wine and women and an authority of Russian cooking, survived, among other disasters, flying into a tidal wave, and finally, testing German jet aircraft!!

Boris Sergievsky.jpg
3rd and 2nd St.Anna orders with swords.
Both in gold and both made by Eduard.


His 3rd and 2nd class St. Stanislaus orders with swords.
Both in gold and both made by Eduard.


In some sense this 2nd class badge is quite unique. Note that three (!) rays have a mark ВД /VD/ while usually it is only one (at twelve o'clock).

Medal "For Life Saving".


Medal For The Centenary Of The 1812 War, 1812-1912.



300th Anniversary of Romanov Dynasty Medal.

His russian military pilot badges.

Made by Eduard.


Unknown maker.

Some of his immigration awards.

For merits to Kuban Army/За заслуги Кубанскому Войску.


White Fight/Белая борьба.

His badges of Foreign Union of Russian Military Disabled/Зарубежный Союз Русских Военных Инвалидов.



Excerpt from original regulation.

Статья 5-я Положения о Нагрудных знаках говорит о знаке (почетном) 1-й степени:

Почетный Знак 1-ой степени:
Золоченый крест, формы георгиевского, вертикальные стороны которого разделены по вертикали на три равные полосы – бело- сине- красную, горизонтальные же – тех же цветов, но по горизонтали. На крест положен золоченый двуглавый орел с распростертыми, опущенными книзу крыльями, увенчанный золотою Императорскою короною и со Щитом со Святым Георгием Победоносцем на груди. Орел держит в лапах синюю ленту с надписью: «Союз Русских Военных Инвалидов». Под орлом – золоченый терновый венок.
Почетным знаком 1-ой степени награждаются:
А) за выдающиеся исключительные заслуги по оказанию помощи инвалидам.
Б) за плодотворное служение инвалидному делу и полезное руководство жизнью и деятельностью Зарубежного Союза или местного Союза или Отдела в течении 10-ти лет
В) (дописано от руки П. Пашковым) за пожертвование 10000 франков
(Примечание; Знак 1-й степени существовал только в проекте и никогда не изготавливался*)

Почетный Знак 2-й степени.
Знак представляет собою того же золоченого орла в терновом венке, как и на знаке 1-й степени (без креста), только несколько меньшего размера.
Почетным Знаком 2-й степени награждаются лица:
А) за выдающиеся заслуги перед инвалидами.
Б) за плодотворное служение инвалидному делу и полезное руководство жизнью и деятельностью местного Союза или Отдела в течении 5-ти лет.
В) за личное единовременное пожертвование в пользу инвалидов не менее 5000 франков. (статья 6-я)

Badge of society for helping Russian military disabled abroad U.S. chapter/Общество помощи русским (военным) инвалидам зарубежья.


His miniature of Gallipoli cross.

Badge of the North-Western Army Veterans Union/Знак Союза чинов Северо-Западной Армии.

He also was active with white émigré scouts organizations.
Hif badge of ORPR/Organization of Russian Patriotic Scouts ОРПР/Организация российских патриотических разведчиков.


Marked A.B. Paris for Arthus Bertrand workshop.
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    4th class st.george order eduard boris sergievsky 4th class st.george order medals and decoration of ace boris sergievsky знак военного пилота награды бориса сергиевского нагрудный знак "военный летчик" орден св. георгия аса бориса сергиевского русские асы первой мировой войны
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