4th class Saint George order document issued in 1830 to Prussian Colonel von Strantz

Size 350 x 220 mm.

Awarded to Colonel and 2nd Commandant of Fortress Breslau von Strantz "In recompense of personal bravery and merit rendered by you in the continuation of the campaigns of 1813, 1814 and 1815 against the French troops/В воздаяние личной храбрости и заслуг, оказанных вами в продолжении кампаний 1813, 1814 и 1815 годов против Французских войск" on October 25, 1830. Document issued on October 30, 1830.

4th class Saint George order document issued in 1830 to Prussian Colonel von Strantz.jpg
On the same date (with the same citation) he was awarded with 2nd class Saint Anna.

Size 355 x 225 mm.

2nd class Saint Anna.jpg
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    4th class saint george order document 4th class saint george order of von strantz russian imperial order document документ на орден святого георгия документ на русский императорский орден награды императорской россии наполеоновские войны орден святого георгия награждение 1830 орден святого георгия прусского полковника орден святого георгия эпохи наполеоновских войн ордена императорской россии
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