Ivan Yepanchin was born in the family of a retired second major Peter Alexandrovich Yepanchin (1753-1822). After graduating from the Naval Corps second in class he was promoted on December 27, 1805 to the rank of midshipman. In 1823 he was commanding the 14-gun schooner " Rainbow " while carried out hydrographic work in the Gulf of Finland. The following year he was commanding the 16-gun sloop Svir, he carried out an inventory of the shores of the Gulf of Finland and on October 6, 1824, due to an error in counting, ran aground off Nerva Island , could not take off and the ship was broken by waves, the crew was saved by the brig Olympus. In 1827 Lieutenant Commander Yepanchin while in command of the 48-gun frigate "Agile" as part of the squadron of Rear Admiral L.P. Heiden took an active part in the Battle of Navarino and damaged and disabled two Turkish frigates. In 1828 - 1830 he continued cruising in the Mediterranean Sea and the Archipelago commanding the 74-gun ship "Alexander Nevsky" and as part of the squadron of Rear Admiral P. I. Rikord took part in the blockade of the Dardanelles.
In 1830 he was awarded the Order of St. George 4th class for 25 years of service in officer ranks.