3rd class Orders of St. Stanislaus with Swords made by Eduard workshop /ИЛ/

Gold, enamel.
Size 42 mm.

Marked with maker's marks "Эдуардъ" and "ИЛ" (personal mark of workshop jeweler Johann Gustavovich Linstead/Иоганн Густавович Линстед active until 1910) inside octagon. Ring marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark [56, kokoshnik facing left, AR /AР/ for the Alexander Romanov /Александр Васильевич Романов/ assay district manager]. Note that both sword hilt pommels have four balls. Also note that two right eagles have typical features of Keibel workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/3rd...s-with-swords-made-by-albert-keibel-ak.28189/ (later replacement? another possibility: Eduard used remaining spare parts left after the liquidation of Keibel workshop).​

3rd class Order of St. Stanislaus with Swords made by Eduard workshop.jpg
3rd class Order of St. Stanislaus with  Swords made by Eduard workshop.jpg

Came cross under a different light.

3rd class Order of St. Stanislaus with  Swords made by Eduard workshop.jpg
3rd  class Order of St. Stanislaus with Swords made by Eduard workshop.jpg
Early 3rd class cross.

Gold, enamel.
Size 44 х 42 mm.

Marked with maker's marks "Эдуардъ" and "ИЛ" (personal mark of workshop jeweler Johann Gustavovich Linstead/Иоганн Густавович Линстед active until 1910) inside oval. Ring marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark [56, kokoshnik facing left, AR /AР/ for the Alexander Romanov /Александр Васильевич Романов/ assay district manager].

Note that swords hilts have three balls and both medallions are hand-painted. ИЛ mark placed inside a cartouche.

Орден Святого Станислава 3-й степени ИЛ с мечами.jpg
Орден Святого Станислава 3-й степени ИЛ с  мечами.jpg
Gold, enamel.
Size 39.6 mm.
Weight 12.81 g.

Marked with maker's mark "Eduard" and practically unreadable "ИЛ" (on the lower ray); ring mark with a St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark [alpha, female head in kokoshnik to the right, 56] and round marks from 1908+ time period.

Swords hilts have three balls.

Знак ордена Святого Станислава III степени с мечами ИЛ.jpg
Знак ордена Святого  Станислава III степени с мечами ИЛ.jpg
  • Tags
    3rd class order of st. stanislaus with swords 3rd class order of st. stanislaus with swords ил order of st. stanislaus with swords made by eduard russian order of st. stanislaus with swords именное клеймо ил орден святого станислава клеймо ил орден святого станислава с мечами 3-й степени орден святого станислава с мечами клеймо ил орден святого станислава с мечами эдуард орден святого станислава с мечами эдуард ил орден святого станислава фабрики эдуард
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