Gold, enamel.
Size 42 mm.
Came cross under a different light.
Size 42 mm.
Marked with maker's marks "Эдуардъ" and "ИЛ" (personal mark of workshop jeweler Johann Gustavovich Linstead/Иоганн Густавович Линстед active until 1910) inside octagon. Ring marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark [56, kokoshnik facing left, AR /AР/ for the Alexander Romanov /Александр Васильевич Романов/ assay district manager]. Note that both sword hilt pommels have four balls. Also note that two right eagles have typical features of Keibel workshop (later replacement? another possibility: Eduard used remaining spare parts left after the liquidation of Keibel workshop).
Came cross under a different light.