1st class Rising Sun order awarded in 1880 to Count Gyula Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka

Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.

Early Rising Sun order No. 174 awarded to a foreigner.

1st class Rising Sun order awarded in 1880.jpg
1st class Rising Sun order  awarded in 1880.jpg

1st class Rising Sun order awarded in  1880.jpg

Special case for awards issued to a foreigners https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-the-rising-sun-in-cases-for-a-foreigners.23184


Original document that was issued together with a set to Count Andrassy on June 13, 1880.

1st class Rising Sun order document issued in 1880.jpg

"We, under the grace of Heaven, and descendent of an unbroken line of succession, have nominated the Imperial Austrian and Royal Hungarian Privy Councilor Julius Count Andrassy, in the First Class of our Meiji Order of the Rising sun, and We confer herewith the insignia of the order as a token of Our esteem.

Given in the 2540th year after the accession to the throne of Emperor Jimmu, the 13th year, 6th month, 7th day of Our reign, at the Tokyo Palace, under Our Sign Manual and affixed with the Seal of State.

Prime Minister, Councillor of the Bureau of Imperial decorations, First class of the Order of the Rising sun, Sanjo Sanetomi Entered under number 174 in the Registrar of Orders."​

1st class Rising Sun order document issued  in 1880.jpg
Count Gyula Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka (8 March 1823 – 18 February 1890) was a Hungarian statesman, who served as Prime Minister of Hungary (1867–1871) and subsequently as Foreign Minister of Austria-Hungary (1871–1879). Andrássy was a conservative; his foreign policies looked to expanding the Empire into Southeast Europe, preferably with British and German support, and without alienating Turkey. He saw Russia as the main adversary, because of its own expansionist policies toward Slavic and Orthodox areas.​

Count Gyula Andrássy de  Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka.jpg
Count  Gyula Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka.jpg
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    1st class rising sun order 1st class rising sun order awarded in 1880 1st class rising sun order meiji era count gyula andrássy awards count gyula andrássy japanese award count gyula andrássy rising sun order japanese rising sun order japanese rising sun order award document japanese rising sun order document kyokujitsu-shō order of the rising sun 勲一等旭日章 旭日章
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