"1946-1949 Anomaly" of the Medals on Dark Blue Ribbon

In the first post-war years Decoration Bureau of the Cabinet Office issued medals on a dark blue ribbon with an unusual (wide instead of a typical narrow) bars and with kanji - received [by]/granted [to] on their reverses (regular medals on a dark blue ribbon have no inscriptions). Apparently, there was a shortage of regular dark blue ribbons medals and manufacturer had to use spare parts from medals intended for the medals of a different ribbon colors.

Note that during the first four post war years only two non-dark ribbon medals were issued: one green ribbon medal in 1948 and one light blue medal in 1947. The remaining 1 423 medals issued during these four years were medals with dark blue ribbons.

Dark blue ribbon medal awarded on October 6, 1947. In 1947, 263 medals on dark blue ribbons were issued.

昭和22年10月6日 October 6, 1947.jpg
昭和22年10月6日  October 6, 1947.jpg


昭和22年10月6日   October 6, 1947.jpg
October 6, 1947 vs. "ordinary" Dark Blue Ribbon medal (that was issued on May 27, 1938 and marked with M mark).

昭和22年10月6日 October 6, 1947.jpg
Ordinary medal.jpg

Ordinary  medal.jpg
Medal awarded on February 26, 1948. In 1948, 618 medals on dark blue ribbons were issued.

26.02.1948 .jpg

Medal awarded on March 22, 1948.

22.03. 1948.jpg
22. 03.1948.jpg
Medal awarded on July 1, 1948.

昭和23年7月1日  July 1, 1948.jpg
July 1, 1948.jpg
昭和23年7月1日   July 1, 1948.jpg
Medal awarded on September 29, 1948.

Medal awarded on December 10, 1949. In 1949, 236 medals on dark blue ribbons were issued.

日十月二十年四十二 和 昭.jpg
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    dark blue ribbon honor medal dark blue ribbon medal of honor japanese medal on dark blue ribbon medal on dark blue ribbon 紺綬褒章
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