1942 Sagamino Air Group 80th Class of General Course of Aviation Maintenance Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/1942年相模野海軍航空隊第八十期普整卒業記念章

Size 49.34 x 45.74 mm.
Thickness 4.28 mm.

1942 Sagamino Air Group 80th Class of General Course of Aviation Maintenance Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg


皇紀二六〇二年 - 1942

相模野海軍航空隊 - Sagamino Air Group /formed on November 1, 1942; renamed 1st Sagamino Air Group on February 11, 1945/

第八十期普整 - 80th Class of General [Course] of [Airplane] Maintenance

卒業記念 - Graduation Commemorative
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    1942 sagamino air group watch fob 1942年相模野海軍航空隊第八十期普整卒業記念章 general course of aviation maintenance watch fob imperial japan aviation badge japanese army aviation school graduation watch fob japanese aviation school graduation badge sagamino air group badge 相模野海軍航空隊卒業記念章 相模野海軍航空隊章
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