皇軍 - Imperial [Japanese] Army
2597 - 1937
満炭寄贈 - 満[洲]炭[砿株式会社]寄贈 - Gift from the Manchuria Coal Mines Co., Ltd.
滴道守備隊 - Didao Garrison /Dīdào is a district under the municipal jurisdiction of Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province, People's Republic of China. The name of the district comes from the Didao River that flows through its territory. In 1931, Manchuria was occupied by Japanese troops, and in 1932 the Manchukuo was established. In 1936, a railway passed through these lands, and the area began to develop. In September 1941, these lands became part of the new Jining County. In 1945, Manchuria was liberated by the Soviet Army./
Original case.
滴道守備隊 - Didao Garrison