Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.
Badge with identical design of obverse https://asiamedals.info/threads/osa...participation-sommemoration-badge-1936.29531/.
防空演習 - Air Defense Maneuvers
参加 - Participation
Osaka city emblem in the center
昭和十一年 - 1936
防空演習三週年参加記念章 - Three Weeks Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Сommemoration Badge
城東防護分團鴫野東支部 - Joto Air Defense Corps Shiginohigashi Branch /written as 東鴫野 instead of 鴫野東/
Badge with identical design of obverse https://asiamedals.info/threads/osa...participation-sommemoration-badge-1936.29531/.
防空演習 - Air Defense Maneuvers
参加 - Participation
Osaka city emblem in the center
昭和十一年 - 1936
防空演習三週年参加記念章 - Three Weeks Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Сommemoration Badge
城東防護分團鴫野東支部 - Joto Air Defense Corps Shiginohigashi Branch /written as 東鴫野 instead of 鴫野東/