1934 Osaka Prefecture Fire Department Association Enshrinement Ceremony Commemorative Badge/1934年大阪府消防協會梨本總裁官殿下令旨奉戴式記念章

Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.

1934 Osaka Prefecture Fire Department Association Enshrinement Ceremony Commemorative Badge.jpg


Police and firefighting emblems


昭和九年六月二十日 - June 20, 1934

梨本總裁官殿下 - His Imperial Highness Prince Nashimoto

令旨奉戴式記念 - Commemoration of the Enshrinement Ceremony by Imperial Order

大阪府消防協會 - Osaka Prefecture Fire Department Association
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    1934 osaka prefecture fire department badge 1934年大阪府消防協會梨本總裁官殿下令旨奉戴式記念章 japanese police badge
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