Badge with the same design but from a different Corps
Emblem of Kitaura Air Defense Corps Branch with 北 in the center 北浦 - Kitaura
防畿 - Defense of the Territory Around the Capital [i.e. Kinki region]
昭和九年七月 - July 1934
近畿防空演習 - Kinki Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Commemorative
参加記念 - Participation Commemorative
北浦江防護分團 - Kitaura Air Defense Corps Branch
Emblem of Kitaura Air Defense Corps Branch with 北 in the center 北浦 - Kitaura
防畿 - Defense of the Territory Around the Capital [i.e. Kinki region]
昭和九年七月 - July 1934
近畿防空演習 - Kinki Air Defense Maneuvers Participation Commemorative
参加記念 - Participation Commemorative
北浦江防護分團 - Kitaura Air Defense Corps Branch