These crosses and breast star were manufactured after the WWII and originally were sold as "collectors copies".
4th class crosses in silver.
1st variation of iconography.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 37 x 34 mm.
Probably the best (by quality) cross among Rothe-made copies /or fakes...
1st class order made by rothe
2nd class order made by rothe
3rd class order made by rothe
4th class order made by rothe
cf rothe&nephew wien
order made by cf rothe&nephew
order of st. george made by rothe
russian imperial awards
russian imperial order
russian order made by rothe
russian order of st. george made by cf rothe order breast star made by rotheзвездаорденагеоргияфирмыrotheзвездаорденагеоргияфирмы роте
награды императорской россии
орден святого георгияфирмы роте
ордена императорской россии
ордена мастерской роте
русские ордена иностранного производства
фирма роте