жетоны фаберже

  1. Jetton from Kherson Zemstvo “In Memory of the XXV Anniversary of Service, 1890-1915"/Жетон от Херсонского уездного земства "В память XXV-летия работы"

    Gold, silver, diamonds, enamel. Marked with assay mark 56 with a female head in a kokoshnik to the right and KF /КФ/. Size 24.3 mm. Weight 6.85 g. Engraved "To the people's teacher Dmitry Nikolaevich Grushevsky"/"Народному учителю Дмитрiю Николаевичу Грушевскому". Original case.
  2. Imperial Alexander Lyceum Jetons/Жетоны Императорского Царскосельского лицея

    The Imperial Lyceum/Императорский Царскосельский лицей/Imperatorskiy Tsarskosel'skiy litsey in Tsarskoye Selo near Saint Petersburg, also known historically as the Imperial Alexander Lyceum after its founder Tsar Alexander I, was an educational institution which was founded in 1811 with the...
  3. Trading House of A.A Trapani in Odessa Jetons /Жетоны торгового дома А.А. Трапани, Одесса

    Jetons in commemoration of 1905 silver jubilee of Trading House Trapani. Gold, enamel. Size 42.5 x 26.5 mm Marked with a maker's mark "КФ"/"KF" for Karl Fabergé and 56th gold hallmark. Jeton was issued to Yakov Borisovich Fikhtengolts /Яковъ Борисовичъ Фихтенгольцъ/. Marks. Original Case.