In 1866, Francois-Victor Boullanger began selling orders from his newly opened shop in Paris. While he referred to himself as the "fabricant d'ordres francais et etrangers" they made very few orders. Instead, they sold the insignia of Lemaitre. In 1899, the enterprise continued under the name...
atiq nishan-i-iftikhar
boullanger paris
i̇ftihar nişanı
königreich tunesien fürstentum tunis orden
order made by boullanger paris
order of nichan iftikhar made by boullanger
tunisiaawardsanddecorationstunisian order of the glory made by boullanger
atiq nishan-i-iftikhar
gustav adolf scharfenberg dresden
i̇ftihar nişanı
order made by gustav adolf scharfenberg dresden
order made by scharfenberg dresden
order of nichan iftikhar
order of nichan iftikhar made by scharfenberg
tunisin order made by scharfenberg dresden
atiq nishan-i-iftikhar
order of nishan-iftikar with diamonds
orders of nishan-iftikar
tunisiaawardsanddecorationstunisian order of glory
Rare French manufacturer of the of Order of Nishan-Iftikar.
Breast star from the Muhammed V an-Nasir /1906-22/ time period.
Silver, enamel.
atiq nishan-i-iftikhar
bonfante bijouterie nice
french-made order of nishan-iftikar
i̇ftihar nişanı
order made by bonfante bijouterie nice
order of nishan-iftikar by bonfante bijouterie
order of nishan-iftikar made by bonfante
tunisiaawardsanddecorationstunisian order of glory
Paul Stopin was born on October 20, 1818 in Clermont-Ferrad. He originally became a hatter at Palais Royal in Paris and later would make orders and medals. He died May 25, 1878 and was succeeded by A. Dupetitbosq...
a.dupetitbosq successeur de paul stopin paris
atiq nishan-i-iftikhar
french-made order of nishan-iftikar
i̇ftihar nişanı
order made by paul stopin paris
order of nishan-iftikar
order of nishan-iftikar made by a.dupetitbosq
order of nishan-iftikar made by paul stopin paris
tunisiaawardsanddecorationstunisian order made by a.dupetitbosq
tunisian order made by paul stopin
tunisian order of glory
Workshop history
4th class badge from the Muhammed V an-Nasir /1906-22/ time period
Silver, enamel.
atiq nishan-i-iftikhar
chapus paris
i̇ftihar nişanı
order made by chapus paris
order of nichan iftikhar made by chapus paris
ordre du nichan iftikhar
tunisiaawardsanddecorationstunisian order order made by chapus paris
Negro's Head /Tête de Nègre/ small guarantee silver hallmark was used since July 18, 1905 by the Tunis Control Office. Small silver items with millesimal fineness of 800 or higher were marked with this hallmark.
Interesting specimen of 3rd class from Sidi Ahmed (1829-1942) period.
atiq nishan-i-iftikhar
i̇ftihar nişanı
negro's head mark
order marked with negro's head
order of nishan-iftikar
order of nishan-iftikar marked with negro's head
silver mark negro's head
tete de negre poinçon tunisie
tunisiaawardsanddecorationstunisian mark negro's head
tunisian order of glory
tunisian orders
Rare manufacturer of Tunisia orders
Silver, enamel.
Size 76 mm.
Period of Ali Bey (1882-1902).
atiq nishan-i-iftikhar
i̇ftihar nişanı
order made by ouizille lemoine
order of nichan iftikhar
order of nichan iftikhar breast strar
order of nichan iftikhar made by ouizille lemoine
ouizille lemoine paris
tunisiaawardsanddecorationstunisian order made by ouizille lemoine
tunisian order of glory
dating of nichan iftikhar order
nichan iftikhar
nichan iftikhar order dating
nichan iftikhar order identifier
the order of glory
tunisiaawardsanddecorationstunisian order of the glory dating
tunisian order of the glory identifier
tunisian orders