taisho emperor enthronement watch fob

  1. 1915 Enthronement Ceremony Commemorative Games Kayo Middle Schools Association Watch Fob/大正四年御即位記念運動會華陽會章

    Obverse 萬歲 - Banzai reverse 御即位記念運動會 - Enthronement Ceremony Commemorative Games 中 - Middle [School] 華陽會 - Kayo Association 大正四年 - 1915
  2. 1914 Taisho Enthronement Commemorative Watch Fobs from Osaka Mainichi Shimbun Newspaper/大正三年十一月大阪毎日新聞社御大典記念章

    1st variation "square loop". Size 34 x 32 mm. Thickness 2 mm. Weight 15 g. Obverse Inside the banners 萬歳 - Banzai (in regular and seal scripts) 御即位大典記念 - Enthronement Commemorative reverse 第壹万壹千號記念 - [Emperor live and reign for] Ten Thousand of Ten Thousand Years Commemorative 優待 -...
  3. 28th Infantry Regiment Taisho Emperor Enthronement Commemorative Watch Fob/大正四年步兵第弍十八聯隊御即位紀念章

    Obverse 誠 - Sincerity 御即位紀念 - Enthronement Commemorative reverse 大正四年 - 1915 步兵第弍十八聯隊 - 28th Infantry Regiment
  4. Taisho Emperor Enthronement Celebration in Ueno Park Commemorative Watch Fob/奉祝御大禮於上野公園御臨幸記念章

    Obverse 萬歳 - Banzai reverse 奉祝御大禮於上野公園 - Enthronement Celebration Ueno Park https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ueno_Park 御臨幸記念 - Emperor Visit Commemorative 大正四年十二月東京市- December 1915 Tokyo City Original case. 記念 - Commemorative Salty one.