south manchuria railway watch fob

  1. 1940 Mudanjiang Line of South Manchurian Railway Completion Commemorative Watch Fob/奉祝紀元二千六百年牡丹江満鉄道場落成記念章

    Size 35 mm. Weight 8.7 g. Obverse 記念 - Commemorative reverse 奉祝紀元二千六百年 - 2600th [anniversary of the founding of the Empire] Celebration = 1940 牡丹江満鉄道場落成記念 - Mudanjiang (a prefecture-level city in Heilongjiang) [South] Manchurian Railway Completion Commemorative
  2. South Manchuria Railway Mudanjiang Bureau Watch Fobs/満牡円江鐵道局章

    1st variation. 満牡円江鐵道局 - South Manchuria Railway Mudanjiang Bureau 皇紀二六〇ー年 - 1941