russo-japanese war triumphant return watch fob

  1. Russo-Japanese War 1904–05 Triumphant Return Commemorative Watch Fobs and Table Medals/皇威振八紘明治三十七八年之役凱旋記念章

    Sillver medal. Size 55 mm. Weight 74 g. Reverse 明治三十七八年之 - 1904-1905 役凱旋記念章 - Triumphant Return Commemorative 皇威振八紘 - Emperor's Might Shake Eight Corners [of the World]
  2. Russo-Japanese War Triumphant Return Commemorative Watch Fob/日露戦役凱旋記念章

    Obverse 日露戦役 - Russo-Japanese War reverse 凱旋記念 - Triumphant Return Commemorative 17.12.1905 - December 17, 1905