russia conquest commemorative watch fob

  1. 43rd Infantry Regiment Russia Conquest Triumphal Return Commemorative Watch Fob/出征歩兵第四十三聯隊征露凱旋記念章

    Size 17×23mm. Obverse 征露- Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia 凱旋記念 - Triumphal Return Commemorative reverse 出征歩兵 - Expedition Infantry 第四十三聯隊 - 43rd Regiment
  2. Mie Prefecture Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Watch Fob/三重縣明治三十七八年日露戦役記念章

    Length 24.5 mm, width 20.5 mm. Thickness 2 mm. Weight 5.4 g. Obverse 明治三十七八年 - 1904-05 戦役記念 - War Commemorative reverse 三重縣 - Mie Prefecture Original case (large script variation).
  3. Russia Conquest Commemorative Watch Fob/征露記念章

    1st type. Inside the Shell 征露記念 - Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia
  4. Russo-Japanese War 8th infantry Regiment Commemorative Watch Fob/歩兵第八聯隊日露戦没記念章

    Size 21.38 mm. Weight 4.4 g. Obverse 日露戦没記念 - Russo-Japanese Military Campaign Commemorative + Regimental Flag reverse 歩兵第八聯隊 -8th infantry Regiment
  5. Russia Conquest Commemorative Watch Fob in the Form of Golden Kite Order/征露記念 後備歩兵 第五十連隊 第一大隊章

    Beautiful watch fob in the form of Golden Kite order. Obverse 征露記念 - Russia Conquest Commemorative reverse 後備歩兵 第五十連隊 第一大隊 - 50th Reserve Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion