The bulk of these "collector's copies" (or more precisely fakes) was manufactured between early 1960s and late 1990s.
"Original" breast star's hallmarks are frequently polished (sometimes new fake Imperial Russian/European marks are added).
Crosses are usually unmarked (sometimes new fake...
fake saint anna order made by rothe
orderof saint anna made by rothe
rothe made orders copies for collectors
rothe-made copies of awards
rothe-madecopyofrussianimperialorderrothe-made fake orderrothe-made fakes of awards
копии для коллекционеров фирмы роте
награды императорской россии
орден святой анны
орден святой анны 1-й степени
орден святой анны производства rothe
орден святой анны производства фирмы роте
ордена императорской россии
ордена мастерской роте
подделки русских орденов роте
подделки русских орденов фирмы rothe
фирма роте