embroidered breaststarof russian order
embroidered breaststarof the german order
grand duchy of hesse ludwig orderbreaststar
ludwig orderbreaststarorderof saint hubert breaststarprussianorderofblackeaglebreaststar
Workshop history https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-made-by-halley-octave-lasne-paris.28433.
Privately-comissioned full set made for the Khedive of Egypt around late 1870s/early1880s /he was awarded Black Eagle order on December 30, 1868/. See also...
french-made prussianorderofblackeagle
hoher orden vom schwarzen adler
hoher orden vom schwarzen adler halley
order made by halley octave lasne paris
order made by octave lasne paris
prussianorderofblackeagleprussianorderofblackeaglebreaststarprussianorderofblackeagle made by halley
der schwarze adlerorden
french-made orderofblackeaglebreaststar
hoher orden vom schwarzen adler
martin-guillaume biennais
napoleon bonaparte awards
order made by biennais paris
orderofblackeagle made by biennais
orderofblackeagleof napoleon bonaparte