Workshop history
Privately-comissioned full set made for the Khedive of Egypt around late 1870s/early1880s /he was awarded Black Eagle order on December 30, 1868/. See also...
french-made prussianorderofblackeagle
hoher orden vom schwarzen adler
hoher orden vom schwarzen adler halley
order made by halley octave lasne paris
order made by octave lasne paris
prussianorderofblackeagleprussianorderofblackeagle breast star
prussianorderofblackeagle made by halley
See also
Gold, enamel.
Width 72.7 mm.
Eagles were re-blackened.
Awarded in 1852. Queen Victoria, when writing to Prince George from Balmoral on 22 September 1852 regarding the death...
dukes of cambridge awards
orden vom schwarzen adler
orderofblackeagle breast star
orderofblackeagleof duke of cambridge
prussianorderofblackeagleprussianorderofblackeagle awarded in 1852
Typical post-war Rothe-made breast star that originally was sold as a copy for collectors /together with these and many many others orders/.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
cf rothe&nephew wien
hoher orden vom schwarzen adler
orden vom schwarzen adler
order made by rothe cf rothe&nephew wien
orderofblackeagleorderofblackeagle made by cf rothe
orderofblackeagle made by rothe
prussian awards and decorations
schwarzer-adler-orden bruststern
schwarzer-adler-orden bruststern rothe
Order of the Black Eagle was awarded by King Frederick William III (1770-1840) to Prince Eugen of Württemberg (1788-1857) in March 1814.
Gold, enamel.
Size 75 x 74 mm.
Collection of Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin.
duke eugen of württemberg award
military awards of the napoleonic wars
military medals of the napoleonic wars
orderof the blackeagleprussianorderprussianorderofblackeagle
schwarzer adlerorden
collar of the orderof the blackeagleorderof the blackeagle
prince christian of schleswig-holstein
prince christian of schleswig-holstein award
prussian awards and decorations
schwarzer adlerorden
His breast star of the Black Eagl Order combined with the Order of the Garter
collar of the orderof the blackeagle
imperial germany orders
king george v's orderof the blackeagleprussian awards and decorations
schwarzer adlerorden
blue max order
hermitage collection
pour le mérite
pour le mérite orderprussian awards and decorations
prussianorderofblackeagleprussianorder pour le mérite
орден пур ле мерит
Embroidered breast star
from the officer tunica of the Life Dragoon Holstein Regiment, 1756-1762.
Cloth, gold spun threads and beat, silver beat and gimp, colored silk threads, brass, canvas, weaving.
At the exposition of State Historical Museum in Tula.
Unique set of French-made cross and breast star.
Cross in gold. Breast star in gold and silver.
Breast star.
Breast star was made by Biennais workshop in Paris
Same breast...