2nd class orderofthesun moon class
iranian awards and decorations
moon class persianorderofthesunpersian awards and decorations
Diamond-cut Russian-made breast star in silver has a well-painted medallion with a very unhappy lion.
Silver, gold, colored strass-stones, enamel.
Size 84 mm.
orderofthe lion and sunorderofthe lion and sun breast star
persian awards and decorations
persian medal
russian-made orderof lion and sun
russian-made persianorder
звезда ордена льва и солнца
персидский орден льва и солнца
Unique piece.
Gold, diamonds, enamel.
Obverse in Persian
The king of kings of the time, Fath 'Ali Shâh, to the very great Emperor Napoleon,
The treaty signed by these two victorious kings will be beneficial for other kings,
The secretary is full of joy and happiness to receive this insignia...