order of the white falcon

  1. Order of the White Falcon of Otto von Bismarck

    About order of the White Falcon https://asiamedals.info/threads/grand-duchy-of-saxe-weimar-eisenach-orders-of-the-white-falcon-from-the-collection-of-dresden-muenzkabinett.28311/ Bismarck's order of Saint Andrew the First Called with Diamonds...
  2. Order of the White Falcon/白鹰勳章

    Established on December 6, 1912 in nine classes. Awarded to Army and Navy officers and soldiers for the special merits. 1st and 2nd classes were awarded to high-ranking officers. 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes were awarded to middle and lower-ranking officers (including NCOs and officer...