order of the lion and sun made by pouteau

  1. Orders made by Pouteau/Foyolle-Pouteau, Paris

    - Fayolle. The firm of Louis Fayolle in Paris emerged in about 1845 from the firm of Mme. Fontaine; both houses were specialised in jewellery in imitation gold and diamonds (strass), since at least 1850 also in French and foreign orders. He republished the book Ordres de Chevalerie by A.-M...
  2. Order of the Lion and Sun made by Pouteau/Foyolle-Pouteau, Paris

    Workshop history https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-made-by-pouteau-foyolle-pouteau-paris.29195/ 1st class breast star. Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 90 mm. French silver hallmark "boar's head", maker's plaque "Fayolle-Pouteau". Marks.