order of st. george 4 class

  1. 4th class Saint George order document issued in 1795 to Colonel-engineer Egor Nikolaevich Blankennagel

    Very rare document hand0-signed by Catherine the Great. 4th class Saint George order awarded on November 30, 1795 to сolonel-engineer Egor Nikolaevich Blankennagel /инженер полковник Егор Николаевич Бланкеннагель/. Details. Saint George order No. 1226.
  2. 4th class St. George order of Counter Admiral Vsevolod Rudnev

    Gold, enamel. Keibel workshop. Size 34 x 34 mm (height with the ring 38 mm). Thickness of cenral medallion ring 4 mm, thickness of beams 1.5 mm. Currently in the collection of Central Naval Museum in St. Petersburg.
  3. 4th class St.George Orders made by Grigory Petrovsky workshop /Г.П/

    Workshop history and orders of Saint Stanislaus made by Grigory Petrovsky workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...made-by-grigory-petrovsky-workshop-g-p.26586/ Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Grigory Petrovsky workshop...
  4. 4th class St.George orders from the collection of State Historical Museum in Moscow

    Beautiful 4th class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 40х45 mm. Weight 12.35 g. Marked with unreadable gold hallmark, maker's mark and St. Petersburg assay office mark.
  5. 4th class St.George orders from Dubasov-Timachov-Sheremetev families

    Three interesting crosses. First cross. Gold, enamel. Unreadable marks. Hand engraved in Cyrillic "From wife". Second "prinzen" size cross. Gold, enamel. Marked ДО /DO/ and had engraved date "1896" between arms of the cross. Details...
  6. 4th class St.George order (and other awards) of Charles William Stewart (later Charles William Vane) 3rd Marquess of Londonderry

    Gold. 50 x 44 mm. Classical russian-made kapitul cross. No exact date of awarding or citation. Circa 1813.