Classical "copy for collectors" or, in plain terms, fake.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 58 mm.
Weight 63.2 g.
Terrible-looking fake marks: "Münzamt" /Mint/, "Wien" and Vienna assay office control mark "A".
maria-theresia-orden rothe
military order of maria theresa
military order of maria theresa breast star
military order of maria theresa madebyrotheordermadebyrothe cf rothe&nephew wienordermadebyrothewien
Diamond-cut breast star.
Silver, gold, gilt, enamel.
Size 76 x 74 mm.
Pin marked with "C.F. Rothe", "Wien" and two small marks "A" of Wien assay office.
mecidiye nişanı
ordermadebyrothewienorder of the medjidie breast star
order of the medjidie breast star madebyrotheorder of the medjidie madebyrotheorder of the medjidie madebyrothewien
turkish order of the medjidie
نشانِ مجیدیه
ordermadebyrothewienorder of saint stanislaus breast star byrotheorder of saint stanislaus madebyrothe
звезда ордена святого станислава роте
награды императорской россии
орден святого станислава австрийской работы
орден святого станислава роте
ордена императорской россии
русский орден фирмы роте
2nd Class 2nd Grade badge.
Gilded silver, enamel.
Size 67 x 81 mm.
Marked "FR" for Rothe and Austrian silver hallmark ("3" Dog's Head "A") for 800th silver.
double dragon order
double dragon order breast star
european made double dragon order
imperial china awards and decorations
imperial chinese ordermade be rothewien
imperial chinese order of double dragon
ordermadebyrothewienorder of double dragon madebyrotherothe-madeorder of double dragon