орден св.александра невского частной работы

  1. Orders of Saint Alexander Nevsky made by Halley /Octave Lasne/, Paris

    Workshop history https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-made-by-halley-octave-lasne-paris.28433 Gorgeous privately-comissioned full set made for the Khedive of Egypt around 1880. Cross. Silver, gold, enamel. Size 58 mm. Weight 35.67 g. Details. Ring marks are unreadable.
  2. Privately Commissioned Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky from Hermitage collection

    Unique Keibel-made cross. Cross was transferred to the Hermitage collection in 1938 from the former Jewelry Gallery of the Winter Palace. Gold, enamel. Size 73 (including the ribbon loop) x 48 mm. Marked with St.Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56". Iconography typical for crosses...
  3. Order of St. Alexander Nevsky Breast Star of Francesco II, King of the two Sicilies

    Silver, gold, enamel. Size 85 mm.