Count Gotō Shinpei /後藤 新平, 24 July 1857 – 13 April 1929/ was a Japanese politician, physician and cabinet minister of the Taishō and early Shōwa period Empire of Japan. He served as the head of civilian affairs of Taiwan under Japanese rule, the first director of the South Manchuria Railway, the...
count gotō shinpei
count gotō shinpei with white eagle order
russian imperial order for non-christians
white eagle order breast star for non-christians
звезда ордена белогоорладлянехристианорденбелогоорладлянехристианордендлянехристиан
Non-Christians were issued with the unaltered version of the badge (see for example Only the central medallion of the issued breast star was different.
Gold, silver, gilt...
carl bolin
order of the white eagle for non-christians
order of the white eagle with diamonds
звезда ордена белогоорладлянехристиан
иноверческий русский императорский орден
карл болин
орденбелогоорладлянехристианорденбелогоорла с бриллиантами
орденбелогоорла с бриллиантами длянехристианордендлянехристиан
Very rare full set.
Photos courtesy of the owner.
Insignias were made by Albert Keibel
Breast star.
Original case.
imperial russian order for non-christians
imperial russian order of white eagle
lord keeper of the privy seal of japan
order of white eagle for non-christians
order of white eagle of tokudaiji sanetsune
tokudaiji sanetsune
звезда ордена белогоорла
звезда ордена белогоорладля иноверца
звезда ордена белогоорладлянехристиан
награды императорской россии
орденбелогоорладля иноверцев
орденбелогоорладлянехристианорденбелогоорла иноверческий
ордендля лиц нехристианского вероисповедания
ордена императорской россии
русский императорский ордендля иноверца
Non-Christians were issued with the unaltered version of the badge (see for example Only the central medallion of the issued breast star was different.
imperial russian order for non-christian
imperial russian order made by albert keibel
imperial russian order of white eagle
order of white eagle for non-christians
order of white eagle made by albert keibel
мастерская альберта кейбеля
награды императорской россии
орденбелогоорладля иноверцев
орденбелогоорладлянехристианорденбелогоорла клеймо ак
орденбелогоорла мастерской альберта кейбеля
ордена для иноверцев
ордена императорской россии
русский императорский ордендля иноверца
русский императорский ордендлянехристиан
Marquess Ōkuma Shigenobu /大隈 重信, March 11, 1838 – January 10, 1922/ was a Japanese statesman and a prominent member of the Meiji oligarchy. He served as Prime Minister of the Empire of Japan in 1898 and from 1914 to 1916. Ōkuma was also an early advocate of Western science and culture in Japan...
marquess okuma shigenobu russian awards
orden der hl. anna für nicht-christen
russian orders for non-christians
орденбелогоорладлянехристианордендля лиц нехристианского вероисповедания
ордендлянехристианорден святого александра невского длянехристианорден святой анны длянехристианордена для иноверцев
ордена лицам нехристианского вероисповедания
大隈 重信