namikawa workshop

  1. 4th class Sacred Treasure Order marked with Two Marks: Mark ナ + Mark 並

    Quite unusual specimen made by ナ workshop We're already familiar with the double ナ marking but...
  2. Japanese Orders and Medals in Paper Wrappings

    During first quarter of XIX century at least two Japanese private medal workshops used paper wrappings: Hirata workshop and Namikawa workshop. "Made by mint" paper wraps first appeared somewhere around 1929. You will find them inside the cases for 1928 Showa Enthronement Medals. 1930...
  3. 3rd class Sacred Treasure Orders with One and Two Marks ナ 3rd class Sacred Treasures marked with ナ have two regular marking places: over and under the lower reverse rivet. Mark ナ over the lower rivet. Mark.