nagano prefecture firefighting association badge

  1. 1935 Nagano Prefecture Firefighting Association Imperial Inspection Commemorative Badge/昭和十年十月三日長野縣下消防組御検閲記念章

    Obverse 御検閲記念 - Imperial Inspection Commemorative reverse 總裁宮殿下 - His Imperial Highness 長野縣下消防組 - Nagano Prefecture Firefighting Association 御検閲記念 - Imperial Inspection Commemorative 昭和十年十月三日 - October 3, 1935 Original case. Edge of the case stamped with stylized N H emblem for...
  2. Nagano Prefecture Firefighting Association Merit Badge/長野縣消防協会功績章

    No direct linking to the Keibodan except for the form of the badge. Obverse 功 - Merit 長野縣 - Nagano Prefecture 消防協会 - Firefighting Association