миниатюры орденов и медалей императорской росии

  1. St. Nina's Cross Miniature /Badge of the Society for the Restoration of Christianity in the Caucasus/

    Rare miniature. Silver, oxidation. Size 20.9×21.1 mm. Weight 4.61 g. Unmarked.
  2. European-Made Miniature Groups with Imperial Russian Orders and Medals

    French-made group of miniatures. Silver, gilt, enamel. Suspension in the form of weapon “For Courage/За храбрость” stylized as a knight's sword + St. Vladimir with swords, St. Anne with swords, St. Stanislaus with swords and the French Order of the Legion of Honor. Order of St. Vladimir size...
  3. Imperial Russian Miniature Groups of Awards from the Hermitage collection

    Mosaic miniature bar. Size 41х18 mm. St.Anna order. Medal "To Zemsky army" in gold (1807).