mikado medal works

  1. Badges and Watch Fobs of Yomiuri Shimbun/読売新聞章

    The Yomiuri Shimbun (讀賣新聞よみうりしんぶん) was launched in 1874 by the Nisshusha newspaper company as a small daily newspaper. Throughout the 1880s and 1890s the paper came to be known as a literary arts publication with its regular inclusion of work by writers such as Ozaki Kōyō. In 1924, Shoriki...
  2. Badges made by Mikado Medal Works/ミカド徽章製作所

    Several variants of labels are known. Stamp. Workshop advertisment from July 1923.
  3. Shiba Ward 1st Branch Air Defense Maneuvers Commemorative Badges/芝区一部分團 防空演習記念章

    Obverse In the red enamelled circle 防空 - Air Defense Vertically 昭和九年防空演習記念 - 1934 Air Defense Maneuvers Commemorative Horizontally 芝区壹壱ノ部分團 - Shiba Ward (Tokyo) 1st Branch Case. 防空記念 - Air Defense Commemorative Salty specimen.