
  1. Japanese Mint WW1 Commemorative Watch Fobs/大正八年六月二十八日世界戦役講和條約調印記念章

    Watch fobs were commissioned by Osaka Mainichi Shimbun and were manufactured by the Japanese Mint. Mint also manufactured table medals with the same design Today thee variants of the watch fobs are known: gold...
  2. Japanese Mint WW1 Commemorative Table Medals/大正八年六月二十八日世界戦役講和條約調印記念章牌

    Medals were manufactured by the Japanese Mint. Today two variants of the medal are known: silver medal and bronze medal. Silver medal. Size 55 mm. Thickness 4.5 mm. Weight 93 g. Medal obverse was designed by artist J.Iida. Reverse was designed by famous medal artist I. Sato. Obverse...